Thursday, August 1, 2013

Create labels in multiple languages in AX

Most of the customizations labels are created in EN-US. So if there is any need to create new label in a different language you can create the one as shown below.

As an example, suppose you want to create a label "Product" in EN-US and EN-GB which is "Produkt" in Danish. So we will do this small setup in the label editor to achieve this as shown below. By default EN-US is the default language as shown here below which means by default if you create any label it will be in EN-US. So you need to include to other languages in which we will create the labels in them.

 Go to the setup tab and mark the two other languages EN-GB and Danish as shown below.

Now, try to create a new label "Product" in EN-US and save it. You will see the other two languages you marked earlier in the below grid as shown below. Here Give the translated text of "Product" in Danish i.e., "Produkt" and save it. That's it. Your job is done!!!!


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